Jan - I disagree that stable family life is disintegrating - where is your evidence for this? Families remain the core social unit in Western society and thankfully we now recognise same sex marriages as legitimate families - so in that respect family life has expanded. The reasons for some social changes are often economic - the so called sexual revolution and increase in the divorce rate were to some extent a result of increased prosperity, birth control and women becoming more financially independent - whereas previously women stayed in unhappy marriages because they were financially dependent. The decrease in 20 somethings getting marriage reflects the price of real estate mor ethan anything else. Morality reflects societal conditions and has to adapt to those changes in societal and economic conditions. Morality is a man-made set of principles - they are not absolute or set in stone. Your attitudes may be a reflection of the fact that the world has moved on from the world you grew up in which set your moral code (or moral compass). Modern morality is no less valid than the morality you grew up with. STDs have been around for a long time and are no more prevalent now than 50 years ago. It's just they were different back then - Syphillis and Gonorhea dominated then followed Herpes.
As for the Searcher's comment: "All areas of society are reaping the consequences of the "sexual liberation" of previous decades - morally, physically, emotionally, psychologically, and financially - fact!" This is trite - social and political changes in one period have consequences in subsequent periods - duh! How such consequences manifest themselves and whether such consequences are good or bad are a matter of opinion.